It has been a while since the Ronin website saw major changes. I finally got around to doing a minor redesign, with the goals of maximizing screen real estate and better organization of content. Here are the major changes.


The first thing you will notice is the improved logo. I converted the original PNG logo (created with Gimp!) into a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) using Inkscape. The menu was also recreated as a SVG, complete with embedded links for the menu items.

Now the website should properly scale without pixelation. The SVGs should render correctly in:

Opera has known issues with rendering inline SVGs. It goes without saying, the website will not render correctly in IE 6. :)

Blueprint CSS

I also added Blueprint CSS to the website, which should fix any cross-browser CSS bugs and improve Typography. Blueprint also assumes the maximum page width of 960 pixels, which allows for more content to be displayed.

Page Moves

Finally, the content was regrouped into four main sections:

  • blog - Project Blog.
  • faq - Frequently Asked Questions.
  • docs - Information for Users.
  • code - Ronin repositories on GitHub.

Not to worry, the sitemap was updated and JavaScript redirects were added to the old pages.


If the site is not rendering correctly for you, or maybe you found a typo, you can submit a bug or fork/edit the site on GitHub.

If Ronin interests you or you like the work we do, consider donating to Ronin on GitHub, Patreon, or Open Collective so we can continue building high-quality free and Open Source security tools and Ruby libraries.