This Saturday (Nov. 5th) we will be giving a webcast on the internals of ronin-support, ronin, ronin-exploits and ronin-scanners. The topics that we will cover are:

  • Convenience methods in action
  • Using the Ronin Database
  • Ronin Repositories Explained
  • Ronin Exploits and Payloads
  • Ronin WebAttacks (LFI, RFI, SQLi)
  • Ronin PostExploitation API
  • Ronin Scanners

This webcast will take place from 16:00 PDT to 20:00 PDT. All Ronin webcasts are free and requires no registration. Just go to and join the conference-call at 1-415-363-0849, using the PIN 272335 for both.

This is the first time that we have done a Ronin webcast, and was a spur of the moment decision. We will probably be doing more webcasts in the future, so don’t worry if you missed the first one. ;)

Update: The last 3rd of the webcast was recorded, although the audio quality is not the best.

If Ronin interests you or you like the work we do, consider donating to Ronin on GitHub, Patreon, or Open Collective so we can continue building high-quality free and Open Source security tools and Ruby libraries.