After nearly a full year of non-stop development since the initial announcement of The Big Refactor, 4153 commits and 700 closed issues later, The Big Refactor is finally DONE!

Here is what happens next:

  1. All development branches will be merged into the main branch.
  2. Pre-release versions will be tagged and released for all Ronin repositories.
  3. Beta testing of the pre-release versions will begin. A blog post with instructions on how to install the beta versions and participate in the beta testing will also be published.
  4. Subsequent pre-release or release candidate versions may be released based on beta testing feedback.
  5. Once all issues that have been spotted during beta testing have been fixed, stable versions for all Ronin repositories will be released.

Note that during beta testing, a feature freeze will be in effect. Any new feature ideas or suggestions will be postponed/queued until the next minor version release for that Ronin gem.

If Ronin interests you or you like the work we do, consider donating to Ronin on GitHub, Patreon, or Open Collective so we can continue building high-quality free and Open Source security tools and Ruby libraries.