ronin-http - Send HTTP requests or spawn an interactive HTTP shell


ronin http [options] [URL …]


Send HTTP requests or spawn an interactive HTTP shell.


A URL to request.


-v, --verbose
Enables verbose output.
-f, --file FILE
Optional file to read values from.
--method HTTP_METHOD
Send the HTTP request method.
Send a GET request.
Send a HEAD request.
Send a PATCH request.
Send a POST request.
Send a PUT request.
Send a COPY request.
Send a DELETE request.
Send a LOCK request.
Send a OPTIONS request.
Send a MKCOL request.
Send a MOVE request.
Send a PROPFIND request.
Send a PROPPATCH request.
Send a TRACE request.
Send an UNLOCK request.
--shell URL
Open an interactive HTTP shell.
-P, --proxy URL
The proxy to use.
-U, --user-agent-string STRING
The User-Agent string to use.
-u, --user-agent random|chrome|firefox|safari|linux|macos|windows|iphone|ipad|android|chrome-linux|chrome-macos|chrome-windows|chrome-iphone|chrome-ipad|chrome-android|firefox-linux|firefox-macos|firefox-windows|firefox-iphone|firefox-ipad|firefox-android|safari-macos|safari-iphone|safari-ipad|edge
The User-Agent alias to use.
-H, --headerNAME: VALUE
Adds a header to the request.
-C, --cookie COOKIE
Sets the raw Cookie header.
-c, --cookie-param NAME=VALUE
Sets an additional Cookie param using the given NAME and VALUE.
-B, --body STRING
The request body.
-F, --body-file FILE
Sends the file as the request body.
-f, --form-data NAME=VALUE
Adds a value to the form data.
-q, --query-param NAME=VALUE
Adds a query param to the URL.
-h, --help
Print help information.

