Despite what others may say, parsing URIs is not hard.

In fact, Ruby already makes parsing URIs fairly easy with the URI() method.

uri = URI('')
# => #<URI::HTTP:0x00000000f94188 URL:>

Query Params

Although, the URI library does not parse the parameters within the query string. Ronin, like other modern Ruby projects, depends on many other smaller RubyGems for functionality; also so you don’t have to install and require them by hand. One such RubyGem is uri-query_params, which allows you to access the parameters within the query string of any URI::HTTP (or URI::HTTPS) object:

# => "parsing+URIs+is+hard,+let's+go+shopping"
pp uri.query_params
# {"q"=>"parsing+URIs+is+hard,+let's+go+shopping",
#  "ie"=>"utf-8",
#  "oe"=>"utf-8",
#  "aq"=>"t",
#  "rls"=>"org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial",
#  "client"=>"firefox-a"}
# => {"q"=>"parsing+URIs+is+hard,+let's+go+shopping", "ie"=>"utf-8", "oe"=>"utf-8", "aq"=>"t", "rls"=>"org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial", "client"=>"firefox-a"}

Additionally, you can parse/dump individual query strings:

# => {"q" => "1", "x" => "2"}
URI::QueryParams.dump(:q => 1, :x => 2)
# => "q=1&x=2"

The URI::QueryParams.dump method is also used by HTTP helper methods for the :query_params option:

http_get(:host => '', :path => '/page.php', :query_params => {'id' => "1 OR 1=1"})

Non-standard URIs

There are URIs that Ruby has trouble parsing, such as so called punycode domains. Not to worry, Ronin also requires the addressable RubyGem, a URI parsing library on steroids:

uri = Addressable::URI.parse("http://www.詹姆斯.com/?q=1")
# => #<Addressable::URI:0xb525d4 URI:http://www.詹姆斯.com/?q=1>
# => #<Addressable::URI:0xb57bec URI:>

With Ronin, parsing URIs is easy.

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