After six years of development, and neglect, ronin-sql has been refactored
and version 1.0.0 has finally been released! ronin-sql is a library for
encoding/decoding SQL data. It also includes a Ruby Domain Specific Language
(DSL) for crafting complex SQL Injections (SQLi).
ronin-sql 1.0.0 requires Ruby >= 1.9.1. Ruby 1.8.7 is about to reach
End-Of-Life and it’s becoming difficult to develop for both 1.8 and
1.9. Additionally, Ruby 1.9 has many performance improvements over
1.8.7. Ruby 1.9.3 can be installed via RVM or via Ubuntu / Fedora
Convenience Methods
The [String#sql_escape], [String#sql_encode], [String#sql_decode] have been
moved out of [ronin-support] and into ronin-sql.
Escape a String:
Unescapes a SQL String:
Hex encode a String:
Hex decode a String:
Additionally, [String#sql_unescape] has been added:
The Ruby->SQL encoder has been refactored into into a fully-fledged ARel-like
Ruby DSL:
Injecting a 1=1 test into a String value:
Filter evasion:
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