ronin 2.0.5, ronin-support 1.0.3, ronin-db-activerecord 0.1.2, ronin-db 0.1.2, ronin-vulns 0.1.4, ronin-payloads 0.1.4, and ronin-exploits 1.0.3 released!
— postmodern
ronin 2.0.5, ronin-support 1.0.3, ronin-db-activerecord 0.1.2, ronin-db 0.1.2, ronin-vulns 0.1.4, ronin-payloads 0.1.4, ronin-exploits 1.0.3 have been released. These new releases are patch releases and mainly contain minor bugs fixes and documentation fixes.
To update ronin
, simply run:
sudo gem update ronin
The docker images have also been updated. To update the docker images, simply run:
docker pull roninrb/ronin
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