Using the Ronin CLI - Misc

Table of Contents


To start an interactive Ruby Shell with Ronin’s libraries pre-loaded, run ronin irb:

$ ronin irb
irb(ronin)> "hello".base64_encode
=> "aGVsbG8=\n"
irb(ronin)> "hello".md5
=> "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592"

For more information about using ronin irb, see the Using the Ronin Ruby Shell guide.


To get a random tip on how to use ronin, run ronin tips:

$ ronin tips
Load a SSL/TLS certificate from a file:

    key  = Ronin::Support::Crypto::Key.load_file('cert.key')
    cert = Ronin::Support::Crypto::Cert.load_file('cert.pem')

To list all available tip categories, run ronin tips --list-categories:

$ ronin tips --list-categories

To get a random tip from a specific category, use the -c or --category option:

$ ronin tips -c ruby
Read a binary file:

    data = File.binread('/bin/ls')

To search the tips for a specific keyword, use the -s or --search keyword:

$ ronin tips -s ssl
Get the SSL certificate from a port:

    cert = ssl_cert('',443)
    # => #<Ronin::Support::Crypto::Cert
    #     subject=#<Ronin::Support::Crypto::Cert::Name,O=Internet\C2\A0Corporation\C2\A0for\C2\A0Assigned\C2\A0Names\C2\A0and\C2\A0Numbers,L=Los Angeles,ST=California,C=US>,                                           
    #     issuer=#<Ronin::Support::Crypto::Cert::Name CN=DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US>,                                 
    #     serial=#<OpenSSL::BN 20823119674429668393338028820299337114>,
    #     not_before=2022-03-14 00:00:00 UTC,        
    #     not_after=2023-03-14 23:59:59 UTC>         

Create a SSL Socket to a specified host and port:

    socket = ssl_connect('',443)
    # => #<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket:0x00000002f60458>

Or create a temporary SSL Socket that automatically closes:

    ssl_socket('',443) do |socket|
      socket.write("GET /\r\n")


To generate a boilerplate new Ruby script with ronin-support preloaded, use the ronin new script command:

$ ronin new script foo.rb
	erb	script.rb.erb	foo.rb
	chmod	foo.rb

This will create the foo.rb file:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'ronin/support'
include Ronin::Support

# code goes here

To generate a new Ruby project with a Gemfile to manage dependencies:

$ ronin new project foo
	mkdir	foo
	mkdir	foo/lib
	erb	.ruby-version.erb	foo/.ruby-version
	erb	Gemfile.erb	foo/Gemfile
	erb	project.rb.erb	foo/foo.rb
	chmod	foo/foo.rb

This will create the foo/ directory, with a .ruby-version file (supported by chruby, rbenv, and RVM) for specifying the desired ruby version , Gemfile for bundler, and a foo.rb file for your code.

As you can see, the Gemfile is already configured for you:

source ''

gem 'ronin-support',         '~> 1.0' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-support'

# gem 'ronin-code-asm',        '~> 0.3' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-code-asm'
# gem 'ronin-code-sql',        '~> 1.2' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-code-sql'
# gem 'ronin-db',              '~> 0.1' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-db'
# gem 'ronin-web-server',      '~> 0.1' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-web-server'
# gem 'ronin-web-spider',      '~> 0.1' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-web-spider'
# gem 'ronin-web-user_agents', '~> 0.1' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-web-user_agents'
# gem 'ronin-payloads',        '~> 0.1' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-payloads'
# gem 'ronin-exploits',        '~> 1.0' # , github: 'ronin-rb/ronin-exploits'

For more information about how to use ronin-support in Ruby scripts, see the Writing Ronin Ruby Scripts guide.