0.1.0 / 2024-07-22

  • Initial release:
    • Uses asynchronous I/O and fibers.
    • Supports defining recon modules as plain old Ruby class.
    • Provides built-in recon workers for:
    • IP range enumeration.
    • DNS lookup of host-names.
    • Querying nameservers.
    • Querying mailservers.
    • DNS reverse lookup of IP addresses.
    • DNS SRV record enumeration.
    • DNS subdomain enumeration.
    • Service/port scanning with nmap.
    • Enumerates the Common Name (CN) and subjectAltNames within all SSL/TLS certificates.
    • Web spidering.
    • HTTP directory enumeration.
    • Supports loading additional recon modules from Ruby files or from installed 3rd-party git repositories.
    • Builds a network graph of all discovered assets.
    • Provides a simple CLI for listing workers or performing recon.
    • Supports many different output file formats:
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • JSON
    • NDJSON
    • GraphViz
      • DOT
      • SVG
      • PNG
      • PDF
    • Supports automatically saving recon results into [ronin-db].