1.1.0 / 2024-07-22

1.0.7 / 2024-07-13

1.0.6 / 2024-06-19

1.0.5 / 2023-12-27

1.0.4 / 2023-12-15

  • Fixed a bug in Array#pack where complex types (ex: [[:uint32, 4], 10]) were not being packed correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in String#unpack where complex types (ex: [[:uint32, 4], 10]) were not being unpacked correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in Ronin::Support::Binary::CTypes::ObjectType#initialize when the object's type has an infinite size, such as an unbounded Array type.
  • Allow using non-RSA keys in all SSL/TLS methods.

1.0.3 / 2023-09-19

1.0.2 / 2023-06-09

1.0.1 / 2023-03-01

1.0.0 / 2023-02-01

0.5.2 / 2021-02-28

  • Support Ruby 3.0:
    • Temporarily added the net-telnet gem as a dependency, since Ruby 3.0 moved net/telnet out of the stdlib.
    • Ronin::Fuzzing::SHORT_LENGTHS and Ronin::Fuzzing::LONG_LENGTHS are now Set objects, instead of SortedSet, which Ruby 3.0 moved out of stdlib.
    • Use URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape / .unescape in String#uri_encode, String#uri_decode, and Integer#uri_encode now that URI.encode, URI.decode, URI.escape, URI.unescape have all been removed in Ruby 3.0.
  • Deprecated Ronin::Network::Telnet.
  • Allow Ronin::Path#initialize to accept a separator argument.
  • No longer bind new sockets to by default in Ronin::Network::TCP and Ronin::Network::UDP. is the IPv4 Any address, which makes the socket IPv4 and thus incompatible with IPv6 hosts.
  • Fixed a bug in Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_open? where it would always timeout and return nil, even when the UDP port was open.
  • Filter out nil or empty :query options passed to Ronin::Network::HTTP.request.
  • No longer append the query String to the path in Ronin::Network::HTTP.expand_url.
  • Support escaping "\"tick-marks inString#sql_escape`.
  • Allow setting the request body or form-data in Ronin::Network::HTTP.request, even for request types that typically do not use a body or form-data.

0.5.1 / 2012-06-29

  • Added Ronin::Binary::Template#inspect.
  • Added the :passive option to Ronin::Network::FTP#ftp_connect.
  • Forgot to require ronin/formatting/extensions/binary/array.
  • Fixed a bug where Array#pack would not accept tuples (ex: [:uint8, 2]).
  • Fixed a bug in String#sql_decode where "\\'\\'" would incorrectly be converted to '"'.
  • Ensure that Integer#pack only accepts one argument.
  • Have String#hex_unescape to decode every two characters.
  • Enable passive-mode by default in Ronin::Network::FTP#ftp_connect.

0.5.0 / 2012-06-16

  • Require uri-query_params ~> 0.6.
  • Added Float#pack.
  • Added Regexp::WORD.
  • Added Regexp::PHONE_NUMBER.
  • Added Ronin::Binary::Template.
  • Added Ronin::Binary::Struct.
  • Added Ronin::Binary::Hexdump::Parser.
  • Added Ronin::Fuzzing::Template.
  • Added Ronin::Fuzzing::Repeater.
  • Added Ronin::Fuzzing::Fuzzer.
  • Added Ronin::Fuzzing::Mutator.
  • Added Ronin::Wordlist.create.
  • Added Ronin::Wordlist#path and Ronin::Wordlist#words.
  • Added Ronin::Wordlist#save.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Proxy, Ronin::Network::TCP::Proxy and Ronin::Network::UDP::Proxy.
  • Added Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_open?.
  • Added Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_server_loop.
  • Added Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_open?.
  • Added Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_server_loop.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::TCP#tcp_open?.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::UDP#udp_open?.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::UDP#udp_server_loop.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::UDP#udp_recv.
  • Added Ronin::Network::FTP.
  • Added Ronin::Network::UNIX.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::FTP.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::UNIX.
  • Aliased String#escape to String#dump.
  • Renamed String#hex_unescape to String#unescape.
  • Renamed Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_single_server to Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_accept.
  • Renamed Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_single_server to Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_recv.
  • Deprecated Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_single_server.
  • Deprecated Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_single_server.
  • Backported Ruby 1.9 only Base64 methods.
  • Allow Integer#pack to accept a type from Ronin::Binary::Template::TYPES.
  • Allow Array#pack to accept types from Ronin::Binary::Template::TYPES.
  • Allow String#unpack to accept types from Ronin::Binary::Template::TYPES.
  • Support nmap-style i,j-k globbed IP address ranges in IPAddr#each.
  • Moved String#unhexdump logic into Ronin::Binary::Hexdump::Parser.
    • Added the :named_chars option.
    • Improved the parsing of od hexdumps.
    • Support unhexdumping specific endianness.
    • Support unhexdumping floats / doubles.
  • Allow String#mutate to accept Symbols that map to Ronin::Fuzzing generator methods.
  • Ronin::Fuzzing.[] now raises a NoMethodError for unknown fuzzing methods.
  • Use module_function in Ronin::Fuzzing, so the generator methods can be included into other Classes/Modules.
  • Use $stdout instead of calling Kernel.puts or STDOUT. Prevents infinite recursion if another library overrides Kernel.puts.
  • Allow Ronin::Network::DNS methods to yield resolved addresses.
  • Inject Ronin::Network::DNS into Net for backwards compatibility.
  • Allow Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_server to accept a backlog argument.
  • Default the server host to in Ronin::Network::TCP#tcp_accept.
  • No longer honor the VERBOSE environment variable for enabling verbose output in Ronin::UI::Output. Use ruby -w or ruby -d instead.
  • No longer support loading extlib in ronin/support/inflector.

0.4.0 / 2012-02-12

  • Require uri-query_params ~> 0.6.
  • Require parameters ~> 0.4.
  • Added Regexp::DELIM.
  • Added Regexp::IDENTIFIER.
  • Added Regexp::OCTET.
  • Added Regexp::FILE_EXT.
  • Added Regexp::FILE_NAME.
  • Added Regexp::FILE.
  • Added Regexp::DIRECTORY.
  • Added Regexp::RELATIVE_UNIX_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::ABSOLUTE_UNIX_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::UNIX_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::WINDOWS_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::RELATIVE_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::ABSOLUTE_PATH.
  • Added Regexp::PATH.
  • Added String#repeating.
  • Added String#sql_inject.
  • Added String#mutate.
  • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.[].
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.bad_strings.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.format_strings.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.bad_paths.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.bit_fields.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.signed_bit_fields.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.uint8.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.uint16.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.uint32.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.uint64.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.int8.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.int16.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.int32.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.int64.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.sint8.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.sint16.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.sint32.
    • Added Ronin::Fuzzing.sint64.
  • Added Ronin::Wordlist.
  • Added Ronin::Network::DNS.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::Mixin.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::DNS.
  • Added Ronin::Network::Mixins::SSL.
  • Added missing Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_send and Ronin::Network::Mixins::UDP#udp_send methods.
  • Added Ronin::UI::Output::Helpers#print_exception.
  • Made Regexp::HOST_NAME case-insensitive.
  • Refactored Regexp::IPv4 to not match invalid IPv4 addresses.
  • Require ronin/formatting/html in ronin/formatting.
  • Allow String#base64_encode and String#base64_decode to accept a formatting argument.
    • :normal
    • :strict
    • :url / :urlsafe
  • Fixed a bug in String#js_unescape, where %uXX chars were not being unescaped (thanks isis!).
  • Have String#fuzz only accept Regexp and String objects.
  • Moved String#fuzz and String.generate into ronin/fuzzing.
  • Moved Net.* methods into the Ronin::Network modules.
  • Fixed bugs in Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_connect and Ronin::Network::UDP#udp_server.
  • Fixed a bug in Ronin::Network::HTTP.expand_url, where the URI query-string was not being escaped.
  • Allow Ronin::Network::HTTP.request to accept :query and :query_params options.
  • Fixed a bug in Ronin::Network::Mixins::HTTP#http_session, where normalized options were not being yielded.
  • Ronin::Network::HTTP#http_get_headers and Ronin::Network::HTTP#http_post_headers now return a Hash of Capitalized Header names and String values.
  • Allow Ronin::Templates::Erb to use <%- -%> syntax.
  • Alias << to write in Ronin::UI::Output::Helpers.
  • Fixed bugs in Ronin::UI::Shell.
  • Warning messages are printed by Ronin::UI::Output::Helpers, unless output is silenced.
  • Ronin::UI::Output::Helpers and Ronin::Network modules are included into Ronin::Support.

0.3.0 / 2011-10-16

  • Require combinatorics ~> 0.4.
  • Added Enumerable#map_hash.
  • Added String.generate.
  • Added String#fuzz.
  • Added File.each_line.
  • Added File.each_row.
  • Added Resolv.resolver.
  • Added URI::HTTP#request.
  • Added URI::HTTP#status.
  • Added URI::HTTP#ok?.
  • Added URI::HTTP#server.
  • Added URI::HTTP#powered_by.
  • Added URI::HTTP#copy.
  • Added URI::HTTP#delete.
  • Added URI::HTTP#get.
  • Added URI::HTTP#get_headers.
  • Added URI::HTTP#get_body.
  • Added URI::HTTP#head.
  • Added URI::HTTP#lock.
  • Added URI::HTTP#mkcol.
  • Added URI::HTTP#move.
  • Added URI::HTTP#options.
  • Added URI::HTTP#post.
  • Added URI::HTTP#post_headers.
  • Added URI::HTTP#post_body.
  • Added URI::HTTP#prop_find.
  • Added URI::HTTP#prop_match.
  • Added URI::HTTP#trace.
  • Added URI::HTTP#unlock.
  • Added Regexp::MAC.
  • Added Regexp::IPv6, Regexp::IPv4 and Regexp::IP.
  • Added Regexp::HOST_NAME.
  • Added Regexp::USER_NAME.
  • Added Regexp::EMAIL_ADDR.
  • Moved Ronin::UI::Output, Ronin::UI::Shell and Ronin::Network::Mixins from ronin into ronin-support.
  • Refactored Ronin::UI::Shell into a Class where commands are defined as protected methods.

0.2.0 / 2011-07-04

  • Require data_paths ~> 0.3.
  • Added Ronin::Mixin.
  • Added Ronin::Network::SMTP::Email#headers.
  • Added Integer#html_escape.
  • Added Integer#js_escape.
  • Added Integer#format_js.
  • Added String#html_escape.
  • Added String#html_unescape.
  • Added String#js_escape.
  • Added String#js_unescape.
  • Added String#format_js.
  • Added Net.smtp_send_message.
  • Added Net.http_status.
  • Added Net.http_get_headers.
  • Added Net.http_post_headers.
  • Added YARD @api tags to define the public, semi-public and private APIs.
  • Renamed Kernel#attempt to Kernel#try.
  • Allow :method to be used with Net.http_ok?.
  • Fixed a bug in Ronin::Network::HTTP.expand_url where :host and :port options were being overridden.
  • Improved the performance of Integer#bytes.
  • Only redefine String#dump for Ruby 1.8.x.
    • Ruby >= 1.9.1 correctly hex-escapes special characters.
  • Fixed a bug in String#format_chars, where it was not using each_char for unicode characters.
  • Deprecated String#common_postfix, in favor of String#common_suffix. String#common_postfix will be removed in ronin-support 1.0.0.
  • Net.http_get_body no longer accepts a block.
  • Net.http_post_body no longer accepts a block.

0.1.0 / 2011-03-20

  • Initial release:
    • Split out of ronin 0.3.0.
    • Upgraded to the LGPL-3 license.
    • Require Ruby >= 1.8.7.
    • Require chars ~> 0.2.
    • Require combinatorics ~> 0.3.
    • Require uri-query_params ~> 0.5, >= 0.5.2.
    • Require data_paths ~> 0.2, >= 0.2.1.